
Song Cry and Encore TKRMX

To get you prepared for American Gangster TKRMX, these are two Jay-Z remixes i did a while ago. They're both on "soulmates" and you can d/l them individually here:

Jay-Z + Daft Punk - Song Cry TKRMX
DOWNLOAD: http://www.zshare.net/audio/104073000c58ddbf/

Jay-Z + Nujabes - Encore TKRMX
DOWNLOAD: http://www.zshare.net/audio/10407203be4e19ec/


Marc said...

Tae K you are so unique you should be real BIG and famous. I only wish the links on this site would actually work

Hamsinensen said...

Hey man,great remixes.Can you mail me Song Cry + Daft Punk?
Keep up the good work!

Hamsinensen said...

Mp3 version,not the video one. :D
Thanks again.

Hamsinensen said...

I managed to download it.The hosting site kept telling me that "File is unavailable".

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